3-on-3 Tournament
Be Part of the Frenzy at The Fieldhouse, 3-on-3 basketball tournament with 8 divisions. Each division has an 8-team maximum. Teams are limited to 4-5 players.
Saturday, March 2
8 AM-Noon: Grades 4-5 Co-Ed Division and Grades 6-7 Boys Division.
12:30-4:30 PM: High School Boys A Division and High School Boys B Division.
Sunday, March 3
8 AM-Noon: Grades 7-8 Boys Division and Middle School Girls Division.
12:30-4:30 PM: Open Adult Division and High School Girls Divisiuon.
$60 per team
Beginning of the game
• A coin flip shall determine which team gets the first possession. The team that wins the coin flip can either choose to benefit from the ball possession at the beginning of the game or at the beginning of a potential overtime.
• The game must start with three players on the court.
• Every successful shot inside the arc shall be awarded 1 point.
• Every successful shot behind the arc shall be awarded 2 points.
Playing time/Winner of a game
• The regular playing time shall be as follows: one period of 15 minutes playing time.
• The first team to score 21 points or more wins the game if it happens before the end of regular playing time. This rule applies to regular playing time only (not in a potential overtime)
• If the score is tied at the end of playing time, an extra period of time will be played. The first team to score 2 points in the overtime wins the game.
Fouls/Free Throws
• A team is in penalty situation after it has committed 6 fouls. After a team has reached 9 team fouls, any subsequent foul will be considered technical. Players are not excluded based on the number of personal fouls.
• Fouls during the act of shooting inside the arc shall be awarded 1 free throw, whilst fouls during the act of shooting behind the arc shall be awarded 2 free throws.
• Fouls during the act of shooting followed by a successful field goal shall be awarded 1 additional free throw.
• The 10th and any subsequent team foul will always be awarded with 2 free throws and ball possession.
How the ball is played
• Following each successful field goal or last free throw
o The ball will be checked at the top of the key to the opposing team
• Following each unsuccessful field goal or last free throw
o If the offensive team rebounds the ball, it may continue to attempt to score without returning the ball behind the arc
o If the defensive team rebounds or steals the ball, it must return the ball behind the arc (by passing or dribbling).
• Possession of the ball given to either team following any dead ball situation shall start with an exchange of the ball behind the arc at the top of the court.
• In the event of a jump ball situation, the defensive team shall be awarded the ball
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